Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Another Bright Idea

I like simple, so using landscape lighting that is light censored makes me happy. The unfortunate thing about landscape lights is that they can sometimes break. And if you have had the glass break in an outdoor landscape light, you know that it is impossible to just replace the glass.

So now it's time to think outside the box. I have always loved the look of outside lanterns. This is a lovely idea, but having to light  & extinguish a candle every night is beyond my brain energy right now. 

So this weekend I decided to make the best of what I had. So I have now created a low voltage lit lantern and I love how it turned out!! Here's a simple walk through and how to make your own! 

Detach the pole from the base of the light. Drill a hole in the bottom of your lantern. (I found this beauty at Hobby Lobby when it was on sale- 50% off) I drilled the hole large enough to actually hold the threading of the base. The hurricane shade was also half price at Hobby Lobby ($4.99). Apply glass frosting spray paint to frost glass. Now just put it all together and hook up to your outdoor lighting wire.

Wa La! A dusk activated lantern! I love how it turned out.

This project cost me $10 plus the cost of the lantern.  
So find your favorite lantern and light up your porch! 

Merry Christmas!
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.
John 8:12

1 comment:

jenni said...

Fabulous my clever friend!