I am not big on advertising on this blog but I am all for sharing great resources. If a place is truly great, word of mouth is the best advertising! If you love a place they don't have to pay you to tell others. You will tell your friends and they trust you and they'll go there and the cycle begins!
I want tell you of a place I love to go to. Al's Buliding Material and Supplies was in East Mesa on Main. It was a Salvage Yard too! They sell all the fun stuff if you are a "junk" collector, and molding/trim (new and salvaged), and new doors as well. It is a great family owned business that is no frills but all the fun!
Here were some of my favorite places to snoop around at Al's:
This the cabinet door section of the yard. There are so many great ideas for crafts with cabinet doors. I will have to do a post just with ideas. Come ready to get dirty! Yea, don't wear white. Al's daughters are always prepared with some wet wipes when you check out. They know if you are digging through the cabinet doors you WILL need them.
As I was leaving a little something caught my eye in this bin--can you see it?? Yes that cute little wood what not was saying "I will be a cute sign!" It is perfect. It's already framed out and naturally distressed. So I grabbed it and I will have to put the finished result on with the cabinet doors. When I bring these types of things up to the register Al always gives me the look that says "You really want THAT". I just need to see the potential and its great.
Take for instance this fabulous "Mom's" toolbox. It was just a rusty old tackle box, then some spray paint later and some craft paint it is my handy tool box. I Love IT!
Love Al's!!! But now you are telling our secret!!! Just kidding! It's so cool I go there everytime im in mesa! So glod you finally bloed again!
Wow, I need to go there. I might need you to go with and show me where the potential is.
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