Here are some cute scarecrow ideas:
This is from my friend Natalie-she is so talented and I ALWAYS love everything she does! Isn't this guy great! The wooden head is so cute and the whole ensemble is Fabulous! I love the garden tools, corn stalks and boots! Thanks for sharing!
The sign is a cute cabinet door that says "Howdy". This guy's nose is a corn cob. I love the gloves, the crow on the hat and the uniqueness of the vest! All the raffia adds a lot!
Such a great welcome to greet anyone who comes. All of the flowers and pumpkins on the hay really fill up the space.
He has such a fun casual look with his leg up on the hay. And the sunflowers in the coke bottle case is so creative. Another great welcome for guests!
Allison, a friend of mine is the Queen of Fall Decorating, when she gets her scarecrow done I will put it on this post, so check back.
You've seen some great ideas so now here's the basic idea to build your own scarecrow. There are a lot of variations that you can do to personalize your scarecrow, so just use this as your base idea.
Find some old clothes in your closet or at a thrift store and you will need a 2 x 2 stake and some 1 x 2 wood for the arms.
Screw in the stick that would be the arm to the 2 x 2. Decide Height based upon if you want a standing or sitting scare crow. Add about 18"-24" to be stuck in the ground/hay.
Place the pants in the right place and stuffed with plastic bags. (If the scarecrow is standing place the 2 X 2 post through one of the legs.)
Pound the 2 x 2 main stick into the ground/hay.
Put on the shirt and stuff it with plastic bags pinning the shirt to the pants. Add other clothing at this time if desired. (I braded some jute to make a tie belt.)
Put the head on (the head is a foam pumpkin that I cut a square hole in the bottom, the hole is slightly smaller than the 2 x 2 so it fits snug)
Paint the face how you desire. There are some good ideas on this post if you like any of those.
I just used a black painters pen and some buttons for the eyes. Others have used acrylic craft paint.
Then I used a foam squash for the nose and secured with wire.
After the head was on I used some raffia for some sweet chest hair.
With Jute I tied off the feet and arms. You can stick raffia in those too if you want.
Make or buy a cute sign to hang from his neck.
For the hair I tied some raffia together to fashion a wig.
Then I put on the hat -With a sturdy piece of wire I poked through the hat and the hair to secure on his head. Bend a piece of the wire 90 degrees to secure the hat
My finished fall porch this year. My chrysanthemums haven't bloomed yet, but they will still be nothing like 4 years ago. They were phenomenal! Also after my kids pick out their pumpkins we put them all around the scarecrow to help fill the space.
**Tip- watch for end of the season sales for next year. Every year you can add a little bit more!